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Try, Reflect, Try Again

A structure to practice communicating thoughtfully in disagreement.

Purpose: This repeatable structure/activity is designed to surface differing opinions while people work together and then to support reflection and new ways of interacting. The group consensus task engages and surfaces opinions. The reflection step supports noticing thoughts, emotions, assumptions, and communication patterns and then invites people to try again to listen to oneself and others. 

When to use: To engage people in analyzing and discussing an artifact (a text, school policy, data, etc.) where there is a possibility disagreement about the interpretation or implications. Highly adaptable to different subject areas. 


Published: March 2024

Student discussion
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and adults


  • Communication skills (metacognition, emotional awareness, group behavior),

  • Self-awareness

  • Text/media/data analysis (depending on the prompt you choose)

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  1. TRY to reach consensus or solve a problem as a group

  2. REFLECT on your group experience and communication.

  3. TRY AGAIN to communicate effectively with your group.

Facilitator preparation

Prepare a controversial or highly engaging prompt that you feel is safe to discuss in your context. Choose from provided prompts, use one of the prompt templates, or prepare your own.  

Facilitation Notes / Instructions

  • a

  • b


Resources and Downloads


Share the amazing things customers are saying about your business. Double click, or click Edit Text to make it yours.

Name, Title

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