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Research & Testimonials




“It helped me realize that other people have lives too and their [lives] might not be as easy as you think”



"The program that The Thinking Project is creating is a work of incredible depth and represents a commitment to helping as many children as possible access and make sense of their thoughts and emotions. I'm so thankful."



“If you have not checked out their curriculum and the supports they have, you're missing out! Truly incredible stuff!.”



"What I especially like about The Thinking Project is that it provides a structure for building the capacity for thoughtfulness, without being a rote formula. It’s almost like a process for being thoughtful."

People are Saying...

IBSR Research

Effects of Inquiry on State Test Anxiety in Comparison to Alternative Coping... 

Effect of Inquiry (IBSR) Intervention on Well-Being, Resilience and Burnout of Teachers... 

How to Reduce Test Anxiety and Academic Procrastination Through Inquiry...

Inquiry-Based Stress Reduction... Improves Psychological Well-Being...

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